Q 1.11 How can a satellite be used to broadcast an event to public?

3 October 2022

Satellites are used widely to broadcast special events such as Olympics, cricket and football matches, car or maritime rally, war…

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Q 1.12 What is the permitted latency for satellite communications recommended by the ITU?

3 October 2022

ITU-T Recommendation G.114 should be consulted. The recommendation provides guidance about effects of end-to-end one-way delay (latency) on voice communication…

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Q 1.13 (a) What are the considerations for military use of satellite communication?

3 October 2022

Communication and transmission security coupled with low probability of detection and interception, survivability, terminal robustness, coverage and connectivity in areas…

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Q 1.13 (b) How are the considerations for military us of satellite communication mentioned above effected in practice?

3 October 2022

Communication security is obtained through highly secure encryption techniques at originating points. The strength of chosen encryption depends on the…

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Q 1.14 How to implement security in satellite communication?

3 October 2022

Please see answer to theĀ previous question.

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Q 1.15 Are K-band (18-27 GHz) satellite links affected by rain, time-of-day, clouds and sandstorms?

3 October 2022

K-band satellite links are severely affected by rain. As an example, for the temperate continental climate regions of the USA…

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Q 1.16 What is Indian National Satellite System?

3 October 2022

As the name suggests, Indian satellite system or INSAT is a satellite communication system that serves India. It has been…

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Q 1.17 In which way are digital methods superior to analogue on satellite links?

3 October 2022

Digital methods offer the following advantages over analogue satellite links. Digital coding improves robustness of radio frequency to noisy satellite signals, typical of a satellite receiver, to deliver high quality reproduction…

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